Friday 22 July 2011

Australian A L P Dilemma

The Australian Labor Party have a major dilemma on their hands!!
They have a self confessed liar and a back stabber in the Lodge and her numbers are heading not south, but try, Antartic , the Australian public are aware of this and being aussie's, are what you might say, an "eye for an eye , live by the sword"type of people,their discription of Julia "Judas" Gillard might be more "we've got a lying back stabbing red head in the Lodge"but lets not get cynical.
Even after the splendid job she did and the tears, they quickly dried away and now the Brand Name Julia Gillard is Toxic.
What to do, the power brokers might decide to preserve with The red Head and hope something comes along and restores her status,the number crunchers and pragmatist would prefer to cut their losses now get rid of herand build another brand,
Bring Back Kevin in Eleven, sounds like a good slogan to me.

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