Tuesday 26 July 2011

Nafissatou Diallo the Victim and the Money

The Maid in the Strauss Kahn Case in the Newsweek interview has finally broken her silence came out of hiding and at the advise of her Personal injury specialist Lawyer wants DSK to go to jail for what he did to her,no she does not want money says, she wants justice, she wants DSK to go to jail so she says "i never wanted money she said,but now we find out that within 24 hours she was asking a business acquaintances if he could recommend a good Personal injury Lawyer and litigator.
Sounds like the only thing she was after was money,after all why would you require a lawyer if he was in custody by the DA.
Why would any one believe this self confessed liar,and not just once but numerous times,the DA doesn't believe her, an investigator quit her job because she had doubts about the honesty of the witness,we still don't know how she got into the USA and she is not saying,possibly it involves people that might go to jail.
Now let me state this,with this womans record of defrauding the American people, lying that she has 2 children so she can cheat on her tax, lying to the housing people of her lack of income so she could get cheap housing,although she had a decent paying job,these are not actions of a desperate woman trying to get into the USA,she was already here settled with a green card and a job while honest Americans are out of work this despicable woman now want's a big payout from some important guy so that she can live the American dream,on someone else's dime and expense.
She has already started making the money, with these interviewsas her lawyer would have advised her that the DA is going to dismiss the charges and there will be no big payout day.
So leaving all the allegations aside,i want to look at the judicial system as it stands today,llets start with Dominic Strauss Kahn, a very powerful important international finance expert, as head of the IMF he enjoyed the company of Royals, Presidents and Major Political Leaders around the world and on the word of an illegal maid we handcuffed this man send him to Rikers Island and parade him in front of the world as a Rapist and a predator,at this point we only have allegations from a not too trustworthy maid.
And now the Maid Nafissatou Diallo, she committed fraud on her application to enter the country,again committed fraud on her tax forms by claiming that she had a second child which happened to be someone else's child,she lied to get cheaper housing although she had a good job at the Sofitel, housing that could have gone to someone more needy,she lied to the DA on several occasions that her Lawyer put a stop to their meetings,but all that aside, after all the criminal behavior she has committed my question and the question on everybody's lips is , when is thisw woman going to be charged for all the fraud and crime she has committed.
Lets just say that she was touched up and gave DAK oral sex,does that entitle her to defraud the American taxpayer and get away with it,The US government must stake the lead in this case and prosecute this woman as a lesson to all people trying to enter this country illegally that what ever happens , you still are responsible for your actions and will be prosecuted by the law.
This woman has gone on a major TV campaign to try and convince people to believe her crocodile tears because the District Attorney's office don't believe a thing she says,her lawyer Mr Thompson has taken this case on pro bono and is seeing this mother load sink under the weight of her lies.

Her bro in Prison who was caught with 140 lbs of weed has now been cast aside, bank accounts with hundreds of thousands of dollars going through belonging to her "that she never knew about, wow what about the bank statements lady.
Money, not doing this for money,ask her Lawyer what his in it for from the very first day "MONEY" that's what this is about, and personally if by some miracle that this case goes to trial and by some other miracle she gets some money , she should still be deported for her crimes,if people cannor see that this woman is dodgy and conniving then they don't want tee the truth.

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