Sunday 24 July 2011

Spineless Cowards and Gutless Patriots

who would have thought that at the beginning of this no brainer "det ceiling " dabacle American's would at last see for themselves the gutless cowards and self serving bunch of egomaniacs that we have running the show up in the Hill.
Lets get this straight from the beginning "the debt ceiling has to be raised, every body agrees and wants it done asap, all that is, but a bunch of freshman tea party Reps who got swept into office on the back of a depression,having daid that even they agree that the ceiling must be raised,  thats it no option we must br allowed to meet our obligations and pay  our seniot citizens as well as out state employees.
Heck,. what's the big deal the debt ceiling has been raised over 100 times ans just recently durinh George W Bush's time no less then 7 times,so whats the big deal.

The big deal is that no one wants to own the "debt ceiling inncrease" thay all agree it has to be done but it is now the beginning of the elecetion cycle and they want to point to each other and say it'S your fault,you want it more then we did if you get my drift,What a bunch of week spineless pathetic weiners these lot turned out to be,if you think that i am been harsh then think of it this way ,these guys will never go to war they have never woken up dreaming of going to war with their m15 and jumping in the trenches and fighting for something,no these guys wold not spill a drop of their blood for their  country except for a very few.
So when their country finally call's upon them to do a service for their country what do this brave politicians do "they run for cover"
That's right, these spineless American Patriots and i use that term lightly, they know what they have to do, they just don't want to put their name to it,do they not deserve our contempt,they only time these guys turn up is when it;s time for their lerks and perks.

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