Saturday 23 July 2011

Death of Capitalism and America's were number one mentality

The problems facing the united states at the moment are complex and  too numerous to individually go throug , so a "broad strokes" approach is something that we can understand.
Firstl we have to understand that the Americans have been number 1 in everything, from sport to movies to marketing , computers and everything in between .There's is no number 2 in America,in America winnig "isn't everything "it's the only thing",   the Number One and USA are synonymous with one anther.
SO the debt ceilng crises is continuing the republicans want cuts in entitlements and the Dems want the wealthy to pay a bit more,both parties want to give and take on just about every thing,everything that is but the "sacred cow" Defence ! WHY?????
Americans enjoy being number 1,and a strong dominant military asurres them the ability too bully and " kick some butt" as they say

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