Friday 22 July 2011

Sarah the Conservative centrist

Going through the confirmed Presidential contenders for the GOP one by, one a thought suddenly struck me, and i never thought i would say it, but Sarah Palin is starting to look more main stream then the current lot.
O.K. say i'm mad but lets just do the maths.
1. Who has more brand recognition then Sarah Palin?
2. Who would vote for Mitt or Newt against Palin
3.Who can sit in the game and time her entry when she is ready to play?
4.And last but not least , who can raise bucket loads of money quickly, Palin can.
Palin has been re branded to a more centriest position but still a true consevative.
Michelle bachmann makes Palin look slightly Liberal and her husband Marcus is no match for number 1 dude Todd the grizzly hunting bobsleader.
So unless some one else appears on the horizon in the next 3 months that can inspire the republicans then Sarah palin might just make the journey from mayor of wasilla to the oval office and that is scary stuff, but then again Arnold the Teminator became governor so why not the governor of Alaska.

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