Wednesday 20 July 2011

Dominic Strauss Kahn and his Women

First it was the maid , then a pretty French writer and now her mother all are claiming that they had some kind of sexual encounter with the " Great Seducer" as he is referred to by his very supportive and wealthy wife who like Hilary Rodham Clinton is standing by her man ans so she should be, because as of this moment DSK has done nothing wrong.
Sure there have been allegations and complaints , charges laid by over zeolous Diatrict Attorneys but none will get too nuch traction with the courts,Rape cases are so hard to prove even with bruises and cuts and even a knife during the attack,but after nearly 9 years the chances of any sort of court appearance for Ms Banon are almost impossible as she has already admitted in her news column and a recent interview , also the revelations that Ms Banon's Mother has now come out and stated that she had a fling with the "great Seducer" at one stage only reinforce what most people think about the whole affair.
Ms Banon's Mother is also the vice -Chairman of the socialist party that DSK belongs to and hoped to lead to victory in the next election.
First lets get one thing straight DSK wife accepts his little sexual exploits and as we all know if they are happy then it is none of our business just as we would reply if someone stuck their nose in our personal life.
Dominic Strauss Kahn will walk away with a lot of money but his reputation will be in tatters , just what his poitical opponents wanted, to start and unravel all this drama one only has to ask who benefits most out of all this,not the maid she's going to be deported not Ms Banon, cause it won't even see the light of day Ms Banon mother she  has admitted that her encounter was consensual so she 's not going to gain anything.

So who stands to gain from this sordid affair,none other then the midget in the chomps, former mossad agent and soon to be the ex President of France Sarkozy the greek isreali citizen who is the French President ans so far has not made one major statement in support of this French national DSK.
In fact thed way DSK was treated by the moronic American District attorney one would think that he would at leasy have complained about the perp walk, instead he kept silent hopim that the perp waljk would in eyes of the french end his political aspirations,and he probably has succedded

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