Wednesday 20 July 2011

Meninga's wants respect

Mal what's the story with this precious act after the sixth straight origin win, it was after all mate the farewell week of Darryn Lockyer and you turned into a Meninga Fest so much so that you hogged the lime light to such an extent that Locky was simply forgotten.Remember your farewell and Wally's farewell Mal it was all about you the player who had given so much to his state and just like you and Wally had given and just like you and Wally should have been the focus of the week.
One had to feel for Darryn with a career that saw him break your record of number of games played for his beloved Qld he was entitled to bask in the coming weeks in the adulation that you and Wally did when you decided to hand up the boots.
But no you weren't going to have that, you wanted respect for what you had achieved as coach and Darren lockyer go to hell as far as you were concerned,it was all about you mal and that's the way itnwas all week

Mal i have been watching interstate games and then SOO since the first one in 1980  and the trash talk between the Nsw and Qld media was always been  part and parcelof the whole origin build up and after  the series was decided we all went on to the next football game and awaited the next origin series. but not you mate you went on a rant like as if you lost the series,why , because some reporter wrote an article about how your just a figure head and that Micheal Hagen and Neil Henry are the master minds of the qld dominance,whatis that all about Mal.
Mal first you have to admit that this team is probably recognised as the best SOO team Qld has ever produced and that has been stated by many a good judge from both sides of the border,as far as talent is concerned their is loads to go around.
From the Fullback to the Hooker from the halfback the five eighth the team probably has 6 of the worlds best players in their respective positions in this era even you would agree Mal.
And when your former team mate and blues skipper stated after the game that when you have a team of champions playing as a champion team then there is nothing much you can do about it.
Mal i think that what Ricky Stuart said is what got you hot under the collar,he was only repeating what all  the league commentators have been saying for the last couple of years,this is a team of champions , no one would argue with that.
If you are wanting recognition for your coaching ability then you only need to tell them and i quote "look at the score board" that's all you need not this tizzy fit about the "filth and Rats on the judiciary" i'm sure Bradley Clyde your ex team mate will be happy with your comments ,basically calling people dishonest and ganging up on you.
Mal you have been part of SOO for over 20 years you of sll people know the pre game trash talk that comes out every SOO time and you reacted and called people dishonest, but then again politics was never your go.Next year Mal just do what you do best and that is coaching the Qld side and forget the trash talk,you see Ricky did what he wanted to do get under your skin,
So they wanted to undermine your origin campaign,Mal that's what their suppose to do,and put you of your game , that's their job mate.perhaps next year they should not try and win, no trash talk just leave you in peace to  win the seventh origin series and you be nominated the coach of the century,Mal hardened up buddy cause next year they are going to call you precious and all that crap.
I suppose Darren Lockyer was hoping for a more grand exit, but you poured water on that fare well

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