Thursday 7 August 2014

Abductions, lawlessness: Amnesty International slams pro-Kiev ‘vigilantes’ — Nazi and Fascist thugs working for the government roam the streets of Kiev intimidating the people and the EU want's to sanction Russia,the Hypocrisy is beyond belief : A criminal gang is now running Ukraine aided and financed by US/EU/NATO : RT News

This is what Fascism looks like

And why they hide their faces

Who would have thought that after WW 2,when so many people perished fighting the Nazi's to liberate Europe,and Russia who sacrificed over 6Million of it's people at the Battle for Stalingrad,one of history's bloodiest battles,who would have thought that the EU and USA are now financing,arming and training another group of Nazi's,and it appears that it is going to be left up to Russia again to bear the brunt of the Nazi thugs and criminals,but make no mistake Russia will prevail,because the Russian people are made of sterner stuff then the paedophiles in Whitehall and the Israeli controlled USA.No matter what the odds,i can gaurantee you that Putin and the Russian people will prevail today just as they did in Stalingrad in 1942-3.

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