Thursday, 26 October 2017

FAKE Russian Collusion and FAKE FUSION GPS dossier : Lets get some perspective here,the Democrts and their donors Superpacs spent over $2 billion dollars to influence the outcome of the 2016 election,The Republicans spent approx $700 million,and the MSM want us to believe that the $100,000 that some Russians spent on Facebook post and ads somehow changed the outcome of the election : The paltry amount of $100,000 compared to the combined total of nearly $3 billion by the DNC and the GOP,that equates to the Russians spent .0001 % compared to the major players,the MSM must think we are F&^%king stupid,anyone who believes in this Russian Collusion or Russian interference needs to be certified,$100,000 is pocket change,compared to $3 billion.

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