Tuesday 24 October 2017

Time for Trump to clean house and fire these deep state crooks : The Republicans are just as much to blame. They have allowed this to happen by their wishy-washy go-along-to-get-along approach to governance. John McCain is the perfect Republican example of a stalking horse. And Lindsey Graham. And for that matter, Speaker Paul Ryan. Consequently, they are not a real opposition party anymore. Now turn your attention to this corrupt stalking horse bunch surrounding the president. Rosenstein bottom left should be fired. He’s a Democrat who used to be on Mueller’s staff. He’s ‘The Tool’ to write the ‘fire Comey letter,’ setting the trap. Mueller top right, ‘The Fool,’ should be fired. Comey, ‘The Leaker,’ should be re-hired and then fired again. Bottom right is Andrew McCabe, another stalking horse corrupt Democrat who is acting director of the FBI; hence, ‘The Insider,’ who has all the current inside scoop to hand to Comey and Mueller to leak as they see fit. McCabe’s wife was given nearly a million dollars by the Virginia Democrat Party via their mutual dear friend VA governor Terry “The Bagman” McAuliffe. No saints among this bunch. One last interesting little factoid about Robert Mueller that most people don’t know, and one that irritates a lot of people to no end. Back in 2011 a group calling itself “Muslim Advocates” wrote to John Brennan who at the time was Obama’s counterterrorism czar, before he became head of the CIA. The gist of the letter, which was cosigned by just about every Islamic alphabet soup organization in the country, was that the FBI training manuals were full of information about Muslims that these groups objected to.

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