Saturday 25 November 2017

AS President Trump ramps up the economy,the democrats ramp up their racial divide : The democratic party of 2017 stands for two things,hating Trump and dividing the country along racial and economic lines,in short it is the party of hatred and division : It's immigration policy of unfettered immigration and promoting illegal sanctuary cities that actually protect criminals is insane and totally un-American : Never in the history of American politics has a party played the race card so often on every issue that arises,the president says that the NFL players are disrespecting the flag and the democrats immediately jump on the "It's a race issue"the president then offers thanksgiving wishes to the troops it's a race issue,the resaon for this is because the democratic party of today is lost,adrift in it's own raft of racial hate and divide,it has nothing to offer the American people but more illegal immigrants more sanctuary cities and stupid safe spaces.

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