Wednesday, 10 January 2018

SPOUSAL ABUSE : Jack and Bill's excellent sexual adventures : There could be no greater act of spousal abuse than to read and see the sexual exploits of your husband on a daily basis coming out on the print and electronic media.The constant humiliation of their spouses by two American president's would have left deep scars on these women,John Fitzgerald Kennedy and William Jefferson Clinton were serial philanderers,and yet these same men are revered by the democrats,while at the same time attacking Trump and others for their treatment of women,these "fools on the hill" are not fooling anyone : They talk about unpresidential,if we could just ask Jackie and Hillary how presidential their husbands behaviour was and how it felt to be humiliated on a daily basis,these two "playboy presidents" would have been at home in Hugh Hefners playboy mansion,sometimes it's good to remind these democrats about their own sexual predators,of which the White House had never experienced before,and probably never will again.

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