Tuesday 31 July 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes that socialism is the answer to all of America's ills,like all young naive idealist,they are grasping at straws : Just like the Bolsheviks during the 1917 Russian revolution,they also imagined a world of collective farming and free stuff for every citizen and look where that eventually ended up,in the trash can of history,a failure so great that not even socialist in Russia who actually experienced and lived under socialist policies would return to such a system,in fact no one who has ever lived under socialism would endorse that system of governance,except of course those who have never lived under that system,if Ms Ocasio-Cortez really believed in socialism,why didn't she move to Venezuela and enjoy the wealth,liberty and freedom that the socialist system in those countries have to offer,instead she chose to work as a bartender in New York and enjoy the life that a capitalist society has to offer : Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a naive dreamer who has fallen in love with socialism but chooses to enjoy the lifestyle that capitalism provides,it's always been the same the dreamers dream and the hard working people create those young people dreams through hard work and good governance.

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