Monday 2 July 2018

R.I.P. DEMOCRATIC PARTY : Ashes to Ashes and dust to dust,the Democrats are dying and building a wall is a must : That is what the majority of Americans want,a wall on the southern border to keep out the criminals and illegal aliens,the Democrats on the other hand want open borders so that they will have a constant stream of cheap labor coming from central America and Mexico to clean their swimming pools and trim their lawns and suppress the wages of the hard working Americans : Their leader Nancy Pelosi defends the animals known as MS 13,in short they are insane,as for the paedophiles,sexual predators and child traffickers in Hollywood who support them,well,no one gives a shit what they think : Imagine these perverts from the Hollywood hills trying to give lessons in morals when they have none themselves,my advice to the Hollywood set is go and molest another child and leave the running of the country to real people..

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