Saturday 4 August 2018

The United Straes of America is looking much like the Soviet Union,a one party state controlled by the Military Industrial Complex along with intelligence agencies using their propaganda media to brainwash the people : The greatest accomplishment of the propaganda MSM in the US is convincing the people that they live in a democracy,using American Pravda CNN,MSNBC and other legacy media outlets to deceive it's citizens that they have choices on who governs them,when there is no choice but the corporate controlled one party system with two wings the conservative and the liberal : Americans can vote all they like,but at the end of the day they are left with a politician controlled and restrained by the Deep State apparatus.The land of the brave and home of the free,the shining light at the top of the hill,the last hope of freedom and democracy,cliches used everyday to brainwash Americans that they are free : The western world order was created by the UK and USA to make sure that the British Empire continues to rule with it's new partner the USA as it's enforcer,and the enforcer has learned his craft from the American Mafia,standover tactics,threats,extortion and murder,Al Capone and Frank Nitti would feel at home in the White House,along with Trump,Obama,Bush and Clinton,all murderers and standover merchants,and congress is their mouth piece.

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