Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Barack Obama is back and doing what he does best,talking,giving speeches and taking credit for Trump's economy : Make no mistake,this economy belongs to President Donald J Trump.Nearly two years into his presidency,Trump has got the economy firing,and now Barack want's the people to believe it was his policies that created this economic boom,what a load of BS : Remember all the predictions of doom and gloom by Obama and all the left wing experts,the economy will collapse if Trump wins,well,well well,the opposite has happened and now BHO want's the credit for someone else's policies : Obama has done nothing but mislead the people from day one of his presidency,from the lies of Obamacare to Fast and Furious to the Benghazi debacle,it was never his fault,after all he is the smartest man in the room,according to Obama : What was that you say,i can keep my doctor if i want to,yeh right.

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