Thursday, 13 September 2018

Rogue Nations and cowards,that's what US, UK, France and Germany are,they pick on the weakest and most vulnerable and bomb them : They are in the business of bombing impoverished third world countries who cannot fight back,and then call themselves heroes,murderers is more likely : If you western murderers and baby killers consider yourselves brave why don't you attack Russia or China,no you won't,because they can fight back,and you don't attack countries that can fight back,because you are gutless,women and children are your thing : But when the Empire falls and it will like all other Empire's the War Crimes tribunal is going to be very busy and in the dock will be the USA,United kingdom,France,Saudi Arabia,Germany,everything that has been happening has been recorded for history and for the war crimes courts : Nuremberg will be a side show compared to what the Western Alliance have perpetrated on the world since world war two,Thirty to forty million dead on wars based on lies : People know where all the bodies are buried and where all the mass graves are in Iraq,Afghanistan,Yemen,Libya,Somalia and other countries around the world.

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