Sunday 30 December 2018

America's Superpower status is all but over,Russia,China and India are no longer intimidated by Washington,in fact the world views America as the "Keystone Kops" Empire : Lets face it,America has become a Mafia State,the CIA is the world's leading drug trafficker,that's the only reason it's occupying Afghanistan,protecting the cultivation of the poppy for the heroin trade which it controls worldwide : Instead of respect,it has become the laughing stock of Empire's,Wall Street is nothing more than a money laundering unit of the Mexican drug cartels,it's MSM are the cheerleaders for the Military Industrial Complex which completely owns the corrupt congress : Forget about the Mafia,the Mob,the outfit,the biggest crime syndicate in the world is headquartered in Washington D.C. And the Boss of Bosses sits in the Oval Office,no matter which party is in power and who the president is : The US controls the Cocaine and Heroin trade,the arms trade legal and illegal,the man who sits in the Oval Office is the Godfather of the American Crime Syndicate,and it's military and intelligence agencies are the muscle.The exceptional and indispensable nation is a international joke.

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