Sunday, 9 December 2018

PAX AMERICANA - Mike Pompeo's declaration that all counties must abide by what the US dictates is the first major sign that the Empire is feeling the heat from its competitors : Russia's economy is perhaps the most resilient of all,the west failed in its strategy to destroy the Russian economy,currently Russia is the 6th largest economy based on PPP,it has a very small debt to GDP ratio,it has reserves of $456 billion and the world's 5th largest gold reserves.It is the most resource rich nation on the planet and is an energy superpower,and China will continue to invest big in the Russian energy sector to keep the Russian economy humming.Actions by the Empire have now guaranteed that the two superpowers will be tied at the hip for decades to come,China has no option but to increase it's investments in Russia,as it is it's lifeline.The China-Russia alliance is now unbreakable,thanks to the stupidity of the neo-cons.

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