Thursday, 17 January 2019

Global debt default is on the horizon as Global debt now three times size of world economy : Global debt rose 12 per cent in the September quarter to $US244 trillion, and is now more than three times the size of the world's economic output, according to the Institute of International Finance. Global debt has risen over 3 percentage points since 2017, exceeding 318 per cent of GDP in the third quarter of 2018, the IIF said in a report, slightly lower than the all-time high of 320 per cent in the third quarter of 2016, helped by the cyclical pickup in global growth : Remember what the globalist shills told us,globalism is the best thing since sliced bread,standards of living would rise across the planet,upward mobility would be the new normal,and yet all we got is the 1% enriching themselves,the middle class decimated and the working class further into poverty,and they are still pushing this globalism garbage.

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