Thursday, 3 January 2019

Message to my American friends : Next time you hear the national anthem and gaze at "OLD GLORY",instead of putting your hand over your heart,for once put your hand in your pocket and see how much money you have to get you through to the next pay cheque : America is experiencing a moral and social crisis unheard in US history,the richest country in the world,the home of the most billionaires in the world cannot feed and house their own people,and yet we have a group of leaders who think it's a great idea to allow millions of third world economic refugees undocumented and almost illiterate.Does this sound like good governance,do you feel your government is looking after your welfare,do you feel positive about your future,do you really have a future,most Americans are about two weeks away from being evicted from their homes and rented apartments,Welcome to the greatest nation on the planet,tent cities,guns and ammo.

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