Sunday, 13 August 2017

The reason popular Morning Joe will never run for public office is Lori Klaustis : The year is 2001 and a young 38 year old congressman has just won a landslide victory in Florida's first district,the GOP establishment had identified a rising star,six months after winning his third term,Joe shocked everyone by retiring from public office,two months later Joe's intern Lori Klausutis was found dead behind his office desk : The medical examiner who had been deregistered twice and friend of Jeb Bush who was governor then,concluded that Lori had died of natural causes and cleared Joe of any wrong doing,although rumours abounded that Joe and the intern were involved romantically.The Interns family weren't buying the story as Lori was running half marathons and very healthy,till this very day no reasonable explanation has been forthcoming.

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