Thursday, 28 September 2017

Anatomy of the Russian Collusion Delusion : Lets get some facts straight,there is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC server : Now did we really need the Russians to tell the American people that Hillary Clinton is as crooked as a dogs hind leg,did we really need the Russians to tell us that the Clinton Global Initiative was a pay to play scam to enrich the Clinton's,did we really need the Russians to tell us that the FBI director Comey had made up his mind to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was completed,and did we really need the Russians to tell us that Hillary was the second most unpopular candidate to run for office next to Donald Trump : Did we need the Russians to tell us that Hilary stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders,and the Russians didn't tell us about Hillary's private server in the basement of her house,she made those decisions not the Russians,she sent her husband to meet Lorretta Lynch on the tarmac not the Russians,she was the Secretary of State when the Benghazi debacle happened and the Ambassador died along with four others,the Russian had nothing to do with it,Hillary is responsible for her loss not the Russians.

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