Friday, 20 April 2018

Appointing Robert Mueller to investigate James Comey would be like asking Frank "The Enforcer" Nitti to investigate Al Capone : When news broke that assistant Attorney General Rosenstein approved the raid on President Trump's personal lawyer,Trump should have fired him,Rosenstein actions are unprecedented in US history,whatever happened to the "Russian Collusion" story,it's dead because there was never any collusion,it was the Clinton,Podesta strategy to obstruct Trump from carrying out his policies and for the Clinton camp to deflect from it's own disaster at the polls in 2016 : Mueller gave up on the Russian Collusion BS a long time ago,then he tried obstruction of Justice,none there either,so now Mueller is digging into anything that can bring Trump down,even a so-called sexual encounter with a porn star 13 years ago,Trump was a private citizen then and could sleep with who ever he liked.It's all a storm in a DD cup.

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