Friday, 20 July 2018

For the USA peace around the world is not an option,America's priority around the globe is for more conflicts and destabilisation of the planet,peace is for hippies and traitors : When you have an Empire whose economy runs on war and the sale of weapons of war to most counties on the planet and the 15 million jobs that directly and indirectly are affected by weapons manufacturing,peace would weaken America's ability to control events in most countries. : Full Spectrum Dominance of the world is at the heart of America's foreign policy and any leader who gets in their way must be eliminated or isolated,hence the demonisation of Putin and XI,if the US thinks it has a problem with Russia,wait when the time is right for China to flex it's military and economic muscle,if Russia is a headache for the Empire right now,China by 2025 will become a constant migraine,add to that equation the rise of India,now the worlds fifth largest economy and the third largest military on the planet and the problems of Empire will increase 10 fold : China is currently the world's largest economy based on PPP,India has moved into the top five,by 2025 the top economic nations of the world will dominated by Asian countries,the Europeans are falling further and further behind,the Empire is feeling the heat and this explains it's erratic moves on the world stage,trying to contain and restrict the rise of these nations is just going to get harder and harder.and the US knows that.

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