Thursday 26 July 2018

George W Bush's foreign policy was bad but Obama's was catastrophic,fortunately for Barack the Obama groupies in the MSM refuse to scrutinise his deadly and destructive actions that will haunt America for a generation : After the Obama Nobel Peace prize awarded to the anointed one for nothing,the MSM favourite went on a middle east rampage that left millions dead,Tens of millions displaced and the results are the current wave of refugees from north Africa and the middle east : Starting in 2009 Obama began the destruction of Syria then moved on to destroy Libya and then create the crisis in Ukraine by violent regime change of a democratically elected president at the same time overseen the genocide in Yemen and the funding of that war by it's proxies Saudi Arabia.At the same time Obama funded armed and gave logicistical to numerous terror groups and Jihadist to create chaos and murder at an industrial level,Obama's National security adviser Ben Rhodes admitted that just recently : At the same time Obama was in the process of regime change in Venezuela and Brazil : Obama made many promises to the American people in 2008,none came to fruition,were still in Afghanistan and Iraq with no sign of ending and constant increases in troops on the ground,Military officials are now predicting that the US will be in the middle east for the next 100 years : George W Bush had to act after 9/11 or he would have faced impeachment for dereliction of duty.Obama didn't,he just acted out of bad advice and a lack of understanding of foreign policy,and the results have been a litany of war crimes,from our benevolent president,Obama needs to send a big thank you to the adoring MSM for covering up his genocide in the middle east.

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