Thursday 26 July 2018

The press keeps talking about America's allies,America does not want allies,it wants subservient vassal states that do what they are told,allies get a say,vassal states do what they are told.Trump's recent trip to the UK and the EU laid it out for all to see,he didn't just insult them,he ordered them to buy expensive US LNG,told them to buy American cars and fork out more money for the American protection racket,and the UK and EU quickly complied and surrendered without a fight,just as they did in world war two,the stenographers of the EU also known as leaders,have no stomach for confrontation with the Empire,they know that their personal well being can only flourish if they bow to the Emperor,they are a bunch of self serving useful idiots who have no intention of protecting the interest of their people. Macron,Theresa May and Merkel are perhaps the weakest leaders that we have witnessed in 50 years and Trump's assessment of them is spot on,and that's why he went to Europe and read them the riot act,fall in line or face the consequences of sanctions and regime change : Withy the dollar as the reserve currency and the might of the US military,Trump knows only too well his holding four aces and they have a pair of eights : Trump's years as the boss of the Trump organisation where his word was law,shows us that Trump does not give advice he gives orders,and his the boss,and the boss is the boss is the boss as the Mafia saying goes : The next flood of African and Middle eastern refugees is now in motion,Europe is now at the crossroads,either change the refugee policy of unlimited immigration from third world countries or the European culture will disappear in a few short years : The EU rulingh elite don't seem to be bothered because they don't live among the working class,they live in protected gated communities with high walls to keep refugees out,while the average European has to live with knife attacks,Acid attacks and the raping of their women,and the MSM refuses to report on these matters,refugees are to be welcomed and provided with all the goodies that they can give them while the locals get to leave the suburbs that they had called home for years to be taken over by African and Middle Eastern gangs,Europe in ten years will look like a middle eastern hell hole and by then it will be too late.European politicians are working to MAGA and their people foreigners in their own country.

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