Friday, 9 December 2016

Today I’m going on the record with a prediction that I’ll offer with near absolute certainty: The rigged markets that now seem to defy gravity will be deliberately and destructively imploded under President Trump for all the obvious reasons. There will be financial chaos like we’ve never seen before: Investors leaping off tall buildings, banks declaring extended “holidays” that freeze transactions, and California pensioners slitting their wrists after they discover their promised pension funds were just vaporized by incompetent bureaucrats. The destruction of wealth we are all about to witness will be unprecedented in human history. I’m talking about trillions of dollars in electronic wealth vanishing seemingly overnight due to de-leveraging (unraveling) of the debt Ponzi schemes upon which they were originally built. People will go to sleep one night as millionaires or billionaires, and they will wake up the next morning penniless and destitute. That’s the financial apocalypse that’s coming. All the media’s reporting on “positive” market news is truly nothing but fake news. Soon, this will all become obvious to even the most oblivious.

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