Sunday, 27 August 2017

The truth about democracy,it is fragile and sometimes messy,and the glue that binds the thing together is that the citizenry accept the result,once that is gone than you will have a dictatorship and that's where the left is leading this country : Just think about it,if the democrats don't want to accept the result and want to impeach Trump,what's going to happen when the next president is a democrat and the republicans don't accept the result and want to impeach him,you see my point.I am not a Trump fan,but i am a believer in democracy,and sometimes you don't get the president you want,well just wait four years and you can vote him out,that's what 's been happening for 200 years : This is a dangerous road that the democrats are on and it leads to anarchy and fascism,be careful what you wish for.

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