Monday, 6 August 2018

England Knife, Gun, Rape and Acid Attacks and Homicide Continue Rapid Rise.What is happening in Britain is also happening right across Europe,Why? The numbers don't lie,Acid attacks in London were unheard off before the refugee invasion,London is now the knife attack capital of the world,vaginal mutilation is now common practice in the old dart,the answer is simple. When you allow hundreds of thousands of third world refugees into a first world country,there would be a certain percentage of former terrorist who have managed to embed themselves into the refugee program,so the majority of refugees,perhaps 90% are there for a better life,it's the 10% that are creating this chaos and slowly turning London into the hellholes that they left behind,these 10% are comfortable with the crime around them,some were born into war zones,they know no other form of life,and the most ludicrous situation is that the government will shutdown any criticism of these criminals that are masquerading as refugees.And we all thought that it couldn't happen in jolly old England,well it has and it's only going to get a lot more dangerous,and more of these former terrorist are coming as they are allow more refugees in the country. Do the maths,you allow 200,000 refugees,90% are genuine refugees but the 10% = 20,000 former terrorist are here to create trouble and get involved in crime and disrupt western society,is it that hard to figure out or are we to preoccupied with been politically correct while at the same time witnessing our very own cultural suicide. I have a great idea,stop bombing their countries and create a situation where they can return to their homeland.

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