Monday, 6 August 2018

Off Cowards and Psychopaths : Ever noticed when we attack or invade countries to steal their natural resources and destroy their homeland,they are always impoverished third world countries with no Airforce,no Navy,no defense systems,just small insignificant countries that are unlucky because they have something of value in the ground and we,the western alliance want it for ourselves,and we know that they cannot fight back,it's and easy kill,and the west thrives on easy kills : Russia is the richest country on the planet when it comes to natural resources,so why are we not invading them,why are we not bombing Moscow and sending in the "brave Marines" to wipe those bad Russians out,the answer is Russia can fight back,and the West does not attack countries that can fight back : Just look what happened in Syria,everything was going to plan,NATO and the US were destroying Syria,and then Russia stepped in said enough is enough and the west went scurrying back to their rocks where they came from : Syria is now controlled by Russia,what happened to the greatest and most powerful nation in history,like all bullies,when they realised the Russian's were coming,they ran off,as all bullies do.

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